
HDD LOADER USB2.0-IDE Bridge(English)

I found to use the BUFFALO's HDD-USB Bridge with another hard drive.
The product is picked D8927GC controller which is designed by Workbit.
BUFFALO's HDD-USB bridge is using invisible HDD area to record original HDD application.
I fonud Workbit's controller and a serial ROM,then I think the firmware is booted from the ROM.

I tried it!
I cut the ROM 's Vcc pin and success to operate normal USE-IDE bridge.
I can use any Hard Drive which is connected by USB with no device Driver(XP).

Vcc pin cutting is NOT normalize to disable the ROM .
I think this process is not safe and I can't warrant the operation to any product and any lot.
with warranty your own!

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It works fine for another product. Thanks!